Part one Beautiful Disconnect “Ya know in all those Zombie movies how everyone is always goin’ crazy doing stupid things? It’s like people think the most important thing in the world in the middle of[…]
Category: Uncategorized
On writing
The creative process manifests itself differently in each individual—poets and musicians, writers and painters. There has been a movement to somehow formalize or structure the process, from books which give hard rules and methods, to[…]
What are You Going to Do About It?
Isn’t it funny how all too often we are willing to put up with a thing until it begins to infringe on our own freedoms, or intrudes so far into our daily lives that it[…]
The Will and the Way
What is Will? It is not simply desire, for all men desire something, yet few ever find it in themselves to reach out for that thing desired, let alone grasp and claim it. I would[…]
On Aging
Each day when looking in the mirror I am motivated by what a see there—another thin line in my crow’s feet, perhaps a bit more spread of the incipient grey that seems hell-bent on its[…]
The Fire of Our Pride
We keep ourselves warm at night during the long winter of our rebellion, by burning the promises once made in the springtime of our innocence. It is not a comforting radiance however, but rather a[…]
A Conversation at a Bar in Hell
By William C. Risp “It’s all about a girl.” “It always is.” “Well, she isn’t just any girl.” “They never are.” “Hey, are you going to let me tell you about it, or are[…]
The Man at the Party
Have you ever noticed that when we go out of our way to look smart, we most risk appearing stupid? Like subtly trying to slip a newly learned big word into our conversation, if all[…]
History in the making…
What are the marvelous creations and wonders of this age but the dusty and obscure artifacts of antiquity to the next? All of history is a continuing cycle of discovery, passing away, and rediscovery, spiraling[…]
Organized hate…
What terror the mindless evil hoard What greater menace yet The cold calculating array of organized hatred